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If you have any complaints please contact: geral@lojaesperanca.com

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Precious metals

Applicable legislation

Article 63 of the new RJOC law, Law no. 98/2015 of 18 August.

The daily quotation of the precious materials (Gold, Silver, Platinum ..) can be consulted here (aorp.pt) or here (Ibma.org.uk).

Article 64 - Automatic, distance and catalog sales - of the RJOC (Decree-Law No. 120/2017 of 15 September)

lojaesperanca.com, online shopping platform owned by Joana e Diogo, lda, NIF 516466348, with headquarters at Rua Francisco Marto Nº86 2495-448 Fátima holder of the Jewelery Retailer Title with nº T8016.

The assay mark can be consulted here (INCM).

You can consult all the legislation on precious materials here